
Econometrics by Example 1/e

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  • Econometrics by Example 1/e

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    內容簡介   Damodar Gujarati is the author of bestselling econometrics textbooks used around the world. In his latest book, Econometrics by Example, Gujarati presents a unique learning-by-doing approach to the study of econometrics. Rather than relying on complex theoretical discussions and complicated mathematics, this book explains econometrics from a practical point of view, with each chapter anchored in one or two extended real-life examples. The basic theory underlying each topic is covered and an appendix is included on the basic statistical concepts that underlie the material, making Econometrics by Example an ideally flexible and self-contained learning resource for students studying econometrics for the first time. The book includes: - a wide-ranging collection of examples, with data on mortgages, exchange rates, charitable giving, fashion sales and more - a clear, step-by-step writing style that guides you from model formulation, to estimation and hypothesis-testing, through to post-estimation diagnostics - coverage of modern topics such as instrumental variables and panel data - extensive use of Stata and EViews statistical packages with reproductions of the outputs from these packages - an appendix discussing the basic concepts of statistics - end-of-chapter summaries, conclusions and exercises to reinforce your learning - a companion website containing PowerPoint slides and a full solutions manual to all exercises for instructors, and downloadable data sets and chapter summaries for students.


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      專業 教科書 政府出版品書籍推薦02

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