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Using the unifying valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, top researchers Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo set the new standard for corporate finance textbooks. Corporate Finance blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager. With this ideal melding of the core with modern topics, innovation with proven pedagogy, Berk and DeMarzo establish the new canon in finance.
New To This Edition
NEW! IFRS, Fully revised chapter 2 – Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis – to incorporate International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Changes to this chapter include:
Coverage of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the differences with US GAAP
New balance sheets, cash flow statements and income statements following IFRS format
Extended example on Nokia running throughout the chapter using real data
Mothercare, Heinz, and Vodafone used as examples
NEW! Risk and Return. The introductory chapter to Part IV/Chapter 10 on Risk and Return, remains largely unchanged. Instead of spreading the theoretical derivation of the CAPM over two chapters, the authors have combined this material into one chapter, Chapter 11.
NEW! Chapter 12,“Estimating the Cost of Capital.”Written in response to users who wanted a single place in the book that explained how to calculate the cost of capital, the chapter is a practical guide to implementing the risk-return model derived in the previous two chapters.
NEW! Expanded Chapter 13,“Investor Behavior and Capital Market Efficiency.” This chapter presents compelling evidence on investor behavior and examines how this behavior impacts the efficiency of the market portfolio.
NEW! Financial Crisis Boxes. To reflect the reality of the financial crisis of 2007, Financial Crisis Boxes—twenty-one in total—illustrate and analyze key details about the financial crisis, ranging from Madoff s fraud to Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.
New and Updated Practitioner Interviews. This text includes both updated interviews with high-level practitioners that incorporate an “inside” perspective on the financial crisis of 2007, and new interviews featuring Frederic S. Mishkin, former Federal Reserve Board governor; David Holland, Senior Vice President and Treasurer of Cisco; and Shelagh Glaser, Director for Intel s Mobility Group.
Two-hundred New Problems and MyFinanceLab Upgrade. Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo wrote over two-hundred new problems for the Second Edition. Every problem is now available in MyFinanceLab, the groundbreaking homework and tutorial system, along with context-dependent hints based on prior user data.
UPDATED! Chapter 1, The Corporation: now includes global perspectives on corporations and organisational forms.
NEW! Three new Data Cases providing examples on Danish company Novo Nordisk, and Nokia. (chapters 7, 14 and 15)
Jonathan Berk, Stanford University
Peter DeMarzo, Stanford University